Whether your goal is to lose weight, improve athletic performance, or just spend time focusing on a better you, we've got the guidance and workouts you need.

"The instructors are all knowledgeable and caring, and not just about our physical health. They want us to be holistically healthy as well...I cannot recommend them enough."

- Nancy Fullbright

Hi, We're Trainer Brigitte and Trainer Jane

... and we're the co-owners of CustomFit Center. Welcome to our fitness community! We are here to share the 30+ years of fitness education each of us carries around every day. Sharing it with you in a way that empowers you to feel better and move better, that's our why.

Quality matters! Your movement quality makes your movement more impactful, so this is our focus at CustomFit Center. Making change in your life is hard, but we are here to support you to enjoy change for the better.